Insights from Dagens Industri’s latest feature

We are excited to announce our latest feature in Dagens Industri (DI), one of Sweden’s leading financial newspapers. In a detailed interview with our CEO, Leif Borg, DI explores the transformative journey JonDeTech has embarked on, transitioning from years of research to commercializing some of the thinnest sensor technology in the world.

Breaking New Ground in Sensor Technology

Our CEO, Leif Borg delves into the specifics of how JonDeTech’s innovations are setting new benchmarks in the sensor industry. With unique products designed for integration in diverse applications—from mobile phones to smart refrigerators—JonDeTech is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with sensor technology. The article highlights our commitment to not only advancing sensor functionality but also enhancing energy efficiency and product safety across multiple industries.

Strategic Market Expansion

As mentioned in the interview, JonDeTech is capturing significant opportunities in a market expected to reach approximately 20 billion SEK by 2024 within our segment. Our strategic focus has been on pioneering the use of sensors in areas that benefit from our cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions, such as digital door locks, computing devices, and lighting systems within buildings.

Innovation Driving Growth

One of the key points discussed by Leif Borg in the article is JonDeTech’s role in facilitating the rollout of 5G and the expansion of IoT and smart home technologies. The enhanced bandwidth provided by these technologies complements our sensors’ capabilities, allowing for broader application in safety and defense sectors as well.

Future Outlook and Continued Innovation

Looking forward, JonDeTech is focused on expanding its product portfolio and reducing dependency on a few products. Education of customers about our products and their applications remains a priority to ensure they are integrated into relevant projects. The interview outlines our approach to broadening our reach through module houses, local agents, distributors, and product companies globally.

Read more about our journey and future strategies in the full article on Dagens Industri’s website, which provides an in-depth look at how JonDeTech is poised to influence the global market with innovative sensor solutions. In Swedish.

Read the full article on Dagens Industri

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